Publications 2007
- (2007) Recurrent inversion with concomitant deletion and insertion events in the coagulation factor VIII gene suggests a new mechanism for X-chromosomal rearrangements causing hemophilia A. Hum Mutat. 2007;28(10): 1045
- (2007) Pulmonary embolism-a rare complication of Schimke immunoosseous dysplasia. Eur J Pediatr. 2007;166(12): 1285-8
- (2007) A male infant with a 9.6 Mb terminal Xp deletion including the OA1 locus: Limit of viability of Xp deletions in males. Am J Med Genet A. 2007;143(2): 135-41
- (2007) Mother and daughter with a terminal Xp deletion: implication of chromosomal mosaicism and X-inactivation in the high clinical variability of the microphthalmia with linear skin defects (MLS) syndrome. Eur J Med Genet. 2007;50(6): 421-31
- (2007) The PDAC syndrome (pulmonary hypoplasia/agenesis, diaphragmatic hernia/eventration, anophthalmia/microphthalmia, and cardiac defect) (Spear syndrome, Matthew-Wood syndrome): report of eight cases including a living child and further evidence for autosomal Am J Med Genet A. 2007;143(12): 1268-81
- (2007) Chromosome 5q subtelomeric deletion syndrome. Am J Med Genet C Semin Med Genet. 2007;145(4): 372-6
- (2007) BRAF mutations in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Blood. 2007;110(11): 222B-223B
- (2007) TNF polymorphisms in psoriasis: Association of psoriatic arthritis with the promoter polymorphism TNF-857 independent of the PSORS1 risk allele Ann Rheum Dis. 2007;66 Suppl. (): 127-127
- (2007) Neocentric small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC) - three more cases and review of the literature (vol 118, pg 31, 2007) Cytogenet Genome Res. 2007;119(1-2): 170-170
- (2007) Clinical and molecular analysis of Adams oliver spectrum of disorders: A European study J Med Genet. 2007;44 Suppl. (): S74-S74
- (2007) Pitt-Hopkins syndrome - clinical report J Med Genet. 2007;44 Suppl. (): S30-S30
- (2007) Tumor necrosis factor polymorphisms in psoriatic arthritis: association with the promoter polymorphism TNF-857 independent of the PSORS1 risk allele Arthritis Res Ther. 2007;9 Suppl. 3(): -
- (2007) Renal phenotype in heterozygous Lmx1b knockout mice (Lmx1b (+/-)) after unilateral nephrectomy. Transgenic Res. 2007;16(6): 723-9
- (2007) Frequent PRSSI R122h mutations in westphalia (Germany) do not result from a founder effect Gastroenterology. 2007;132 Suppl.(4): A468-A468
- (2007) BRAF mutations in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia Haematologica. 2007;92 Suppl.(): 356-356
- (2007) Pulmonary arterial aneurysms and hemoptysis - Rare complications in a small child with elastin gene mutation and peripheral pulmonary stenosis Klin Padiatr. 2007;219(2): 106-106
- (2007) Congenital myotonus dystrophy type 1 Klin Padiatr. 2007;219(2): 106-106
- (2007) Genetic dwarfism: 2 children with trichorhinopharyngeal syndrome type 1 Klin Padiatr. 2007;219(2): 116-116
- (2007) BRAF mutations in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia Leuk Res. 2007;31 Suppl.(): S83-S83
- (2007) Congenital nephrotic syndrome due to Pierson syndrome Pediatr Nephrol. 2007;22(9): 1511-1511
- (2007) Pulmonary artery sling and congenital tracheal stenosis in another patient with Mowat-Wilson syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2007;143(13): 1528-30
- (2007) Human TBX1 missense mutations cause gain of function resulting in the same phenotype as 22q11.2 deletions. Am J Hum Genet. 2007;80(3): 510-7
- (2007) Polymorphisms of human estrogen receptor (ER) gene alpha and beta in prostate cancer PC-EW and PC-OR cell lines. Anticancer Res. 2007;27(4A): 2071-4
- (2007) TNF, LTA and TNF receptor polymorphisms in psoriasis vulgaris and psoriatic arthritis: Evidence for an association of psoriatic arthritis with the promoter polymorphism TNF-857 independent of the PSORS1 risk allele Exp Dermatol. 2007;16(3): 204-205
- (2007) Association of psoriatic arthritis with the promoter polymorphism TNF-857 Inflamm Res. 2007;56 Suppl.(): S405-S405
- (2007) New NEFL gene mutations in two Czech cmt families with early onset axonal neuropathy J Peripher Nerv Syst. 2007;12 Suppl.(): 58-58
- (2007) TNF polymorphisms in psoriasis: Association of psoriatic arthritis with the promoter polymorphism TNF-857 independent of the PSORS1 risk allele Z Rheumatol. 2007;66 Suppl.(): 40-40
- (2007) Mutations in STRA6 cause a broad spectrum of malformations including anophthalmia, congenital heart defects, diaphragmatic hernia, alveolar capillary dysplasia, lung hypoplasia, and mental retardation. Am J Hum Genet. 2007;80(3): 550-60
- (2007) MATN3 (matrilin-3) sequence variation (pT303M) is a risk factor for osteoarthritis of the CMC1 joint of the hand, but not for knee osteoarthritis. Ann Rheum Dis. 2007;66(2): 279-80
- (2007) TNF polymorphisms in psoriasis: association of psoriatic arthritis with the promoter polymorphism TNF*-857 independent of the PSORS1 risk allele. Arthritis Rheum. 2007;56(6): 2056-64
- (2007) Heterologous expression of wildtype and mutant myocilin in High Five insect cells shows comparable effects to cultivated trabecular meshwork cells. Biomol Eng. 2007;24(3): 313-7
- (2007) Neocentric small supernumerary marker chromosomes (sSMC)--three more cases and review of the literature. Cytogenet Genome Res. 2007;118(1): 31-7
- (2007) Severe skeletal dysplasia caused by undiagnosed hypothyroidism. Eur J Med Genet. 2007;50(3): 209-15
- (2007) New immortalized cell lines of patients with small supernumerary marker chromosome: towards the establishment of a cell bank. J Histochem Cytochem. 2007;55(6): 651-60
- (2007) Loss-of-function variants of the filaggrin gene are not major susceptibility factors for psoriasis vulgaris or psoriatic arthritis in German patients. J Invest Dermatol. 2007;127(6): 1367-70
- (2007) Molecular karyotyping in patients with mental retardation using 100K single-nucleotide polymorphism arrays. J Med Genet. 2007;44(10): 629-36
- (2007) SOS1 is the second most common Noonan gene but plays no major role in cardio-facio-cutaneous syndrome. J Med Genet. 2007;44(10): 651-6
- (2007) Mutation analysis of Son of Sevenless in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Leukemia. 2007;21(5): 1108-9
- (2007) Crisponi syndrome is caused by mutations in the CRLF1 gene and is allelic to cold-induced sweating syndrome type 1. Am J Hum Genet. 2007;80(5): 971-81
- (2007) Haploinsufficiency of TCF4 causes syndromal mental retardation with intermittent hyperventilation (Pitt-Hopkins syndrome). Am J Hum Genet. 2007;80(5): 994-1001
- (2007) Type and level of RMRP functional impairment predicts phenotype in the cartilage hair hypoplasia-anauxetic dysplasia spectrum. Am J Hum Genet. 2007;81(3): 519-29
- (2007) Functional characterization of a novel CFTR mutation P67S identified in a patient with atypical cystic fibrosis. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2007;19(5-6): 239-48
- (2007) Guidelines for molecular karyotyping in constitutional genetic diagnosis. Eur J Hum Genet. 2007;15(11): 1105-14
- (2007) Mild variable Noonan syndrome in a family with a novel PTPN11 mutation. Eur J Med Genet. 2007;50(1): 43-7
- (2007) Achondrogenesis Type IA (Houston-Harris): a still-unresolved molecular phenotype. Pediatr Dev Pathol. 2007;10(4): 328-34
- (2007) Crisponi syndrome and cold-induced sweating syndrome type 1: Two faces of the same coin J Inherit Metab Dis. 2007;30 Suppl.(): 142-142
- (2007) Pancreatic development and disease. Gastroenterology. 2007;132(2): 745-62
- (2007) Mutation analysis of the BRAF oncogene in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia. Haematologica. 2007;92(11): 1574-5
- (2007) Uniparental disomy at chromosome 11p15.5 followed by HRAS mutations in embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma: lessons from Costello syndrome. Hum Mol Genet. 2007;16(4): 374-9
- (2007) Expansion of the genotypic and phenotypic spectrum in patients with KRAS germline mutations. J Med Genet. 2007;44(2): 131-5
- (2007) Myopathy caused by HRAS germline mutations: implications for disturbed myogenic differentiation in the presence of constitutive HRas activation. J Med Genet. 2007;44(7): 459-62
- (2007) Clonal duplication of a germline PTPN11 mutation due to acquired uniparental disomy in acute lymphoblastic leukemia blasts from a patient with Noonan syndrome. Leukemia. 2007;21(6): 1303-5
- (2007) Biochemical and functional characterization of germ line KRAS mutations. Mol Cell Biol. 2007;27(22): 7765-70
- (2007) Nephrotic syndrome in the first year of life: two thirds of cases are caused by mutations in 4 genes (NPHS1, NPHS2, WT1, and LAMB2). Pediatrics. 2007;119(4): e907-19
- (2007) Complex genomic architecture at XQ28 results in duplication of MECP2 commonly found in a specific subset of MR patients Cell Oncol. 2007;29(2): 108-108
- (2007) BRAF mutations in juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2007;49(4): 577-577
- (2007) Neurodevelopmental deficits in Pierson (microcoria-congenital nephrosis) syndrome. Am J Med Genet A. 2007;143(4): 311-9
- (2007) Fraser and Ablepharon macrostomia phenotypes: concurrence in one family and association with mutated FRAS1. Am J Med Genet A. 2007;143(3): 241-7
- (2007) Mutation in the Scyl1 gene encoding amino-terminal kinase-like protein causes a recessive form of spinocerebellar neurodegeneration. EMBO Rep. 2007;8(7): 691-7
- (2007) Genotype-phenotype analysis in patients with giant axonal neuropathy (GAN). Neuromuscul Disord. 2007;17(8): 624-30