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Molecular Medicine (B.Sc.)

German-language Bachelor´s degree program

Compulsory teaching

Compulsory teaching includes a lecture and a laboratory course during the 5th semester, aiming to convey basic knowledge in human genetics and laboratory skills. The lecture conveys the basis of molecular human genetics and uses textbooks like Human Molecular Genetics by Strachan & Read (2011, Garland Science) and Genetics and Genomics in Medicine by Strachan, Goodship & Chinnery (2015, Garland Science). In the accompanying laboratory course, which is organized in two smaller groups, basic techniques in human genetics are introduced. These include classical and molecular cytogenetics, molecular genetics, functional genomics, and an introduction into various contemporary high throughput methods. Learning success is evaluated by a final written exam.

Lecture [V-HG-MM]

Time and place: Friday 8.15-9.45 a.m., lecture hall at the Institute of Human Genetics (1st floor)
Credit points: 2 semester hours per week (SWS)
Lecturer: Reis, Winterpacht

Laboratory course [K-HG-MM]

Time and place: Monday and Wednesday 2.00 – 5.00 p.m., two groups (A,B) at the Institute of Human Genetics
Credit points: 4 semester hours per week (SWS)
Lecturer: Ekici, Kraus, Krumbiegel, Pasutto, Winterpacht


Other teaching

F1 – Laboratory course [F1-MM]

This is an all-day internship over a period of 3 weeks (5 ECTS). Students participate in a small research project in one of the research groups at the Institute and learn different genetic techniques. Prerequisite is a successful participation in the basic laboratory course [K-HG-MM].  Time and place are by arrangement. Please contact the office of the Institute of Human Genetics (e-mail: Sekretariat.HU(at) or Prof. Dr. A Winterpacht (e-mail: andreas.winterpacht(at)
Supervisors: Reis, Hüffmeier, Kraus, Pasutto, Thiel, Winterpacht, Zweier 

Bachelor’s thesis

We supervise Bachelor’s theses on topics related to the ongoing research at the Institute. Successful previous participation in the F1 – Laboratory course [F1-MM] is required.