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Wichtige Publikationen der letzten Jahre

  • Endele S, Rosenberger G, Geider K, Popp B, Tamer C, Stefanova I, Milh M, Kortüm F, Fritsch A, Pientka FK, Hellenbroich Y, Kalscheuer VM, Kohlhase J, Moog U, Rappold G, Rauch A, Ropers HH, von Spiczak S, Tönnies H, Villeneuve N, Villard L, Zabel B, Zenker M, Laube B, Reis A, Wieczorek D, Van Maldergem L, Kutsche K. (2010). Mutations in GRIN2A and GRIN2B encoding regulatory subunits of NMDA receptors cause variable neurodevelopmental phenotypes. Nat Genet. 42:1021-6.
  • Hüffmeier U, Uebe S, Ekici AB, Bowes J, Giardina E, Korendowych E, Juneblad K, Apel M, McManus R, Ho P, Bruce IN, Ryan AW, Behrens F, Lascorz J, Böhm B, Traupe H, Lohmann J, Gieger C, Wichmann HE, Herold C, Steffens M, Klareskog L, Wienker TF, Fitzgerald O, Alenius GM, McHugh NJ, Novelli G, Burkhardt H, Barton A, Reis A. (2010). Common variants at TRAF3IP2 are associated with susceptibility to psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis. Nat Genet. 42:996-9.
  • Zweier M, Gregor A, Zweier C, Engels H, Sticht H, Wohlleber E, Bijlsma EK, Holder SE, Zenker M, Rossier E, Grasshoff U, Johnson DS, Robertson L, Firth HV; Cornelia Kraus, Ekici AB, Reis A, Rauch A. (2010). Mutations in MEF2C from the 5q14.3q15 microdeletion syndrome region are a frequent cause of severe mental retardation and diminish MECP2 and CDKL5 expression. Hum Mutat. 31:722-33.
  • Hollox EJ, Huffmeier U, Zeeuwen PLJM, Palla R, Lascorz J, Rodijk-Olthuis D, van de Kerkhof PCM, Traupe H, de Jongh G, den Heijer M, Reis A, Armour JAL, Joost Schalkwijk J. (2008). Psoriasis is associated with increased beta-defensin genomic copy number. Nat Genet. 40:23-25.
  • Rauch A, Thiel CT, Schindler D, Wick U, Crow YJ, Ekici AB, van Essen AJ, Goecke TO, Al-Gazali L, Chrzanowska KH, Zweier C, Brunner HG, Becker K, Curry CJ, Dallapiccola B, Devriendt K, Dörfler A, Kinning E, Megarbane A, Meinecke P, Semple RK, Spranger S, Toutain A, Trembath RC, Voß E, Wilson L, Hennekam R, de Zegher F, Dörr HG, Reis A. (2008). Mutations in the Pericentrin (PCNT) Gene Cause Primordial Dwarfism. Science 319: 816-819.
  • Pasutto F, Sticht H, Hammersen G, Gillessen-Kaesbach G, FitzPatrick DR, Nürnberg G, Schirmer-Zimmermann H, Tolmie JL, Chitayat D, Houge G, Fernández-Martínez L, Keating S, Mortier G, Hennekam RCM, von der Wense A, Slavotinek A, Meinecke P, Bitoun P, Becker C, Nürnberg P, Reis A and Rauch A. (2007). Mutations in STRA6 cause a broad spectrum of malformations including anophthalmia, congenital heart defects, diaphragmatic hernia, alveolar capillary dysplasia, lung hypoplasia and mental retardation. Am J Hum Genet 80: 550-60.
  • Thiel CT, Horn D, Ekici AB, Salinas K, Gebhart E, Rüschendorf F, Sticht H, Spranger J, Müller D, Zweier C, Zabel B, Schmitt ME, Reis A, Rauch A. (2005). Severely incapacitating mutations in patients with extreme short stature identify RNA processing endoribonuclease RMRP as an essential cell growth regulator. Am J Hum Genet 77:795-806.
  • Zenker M, Mayerle J, Lerch MM, Tagariello A, Zerres K, Durie PR, Beier M, Hülskamp G, Guzman C, Rehder H, Beemer F, Hamel B, Vanlieferinghen P, Gershoni-Baruch R, Vieira MW, Dumic M, Auslander R, Lopes VL, Steinlicht S, Rauh M, Shalev SA, Winterpacht A, Kwon YT, Varshavsky A, Reis A. (2005). Deficiency of UBR1, a ubiquitin ligase of the N-end rule pathway, causes pancreatic dysfunction, malformations and mental retardation (Johanson-Blizzard syndrome). Nat Genet. 37:1345-50.
  • Rauch A, Rüschendorf F, Huang J, Trautmann U, Becker C, Thiel C, Jones KW, Reis A, Nürnberg P. (2004). Molecular karyotyping using a SNP array for genome-wide genotyping. J Med Genet 41: 916-922.
  • Zenker M, Aigner T, Wendler O, Tralau T, Muntefering H, Fenski R, Pitz S, Schumacher V, Royer-Pokora B, Wuhl E, Cochat P, Bouvier R, Kraus C, Mark K, Madlon H, Dotsch J, Rascher W, Maruniak-Chudek I, Lennert T, Neumann LM, Reis A. (2004). Human laminin ß2 deficiency causes congenital nephrosis with mesangial sclerosis and distinct eye abnormalities. Hum Mol Genet 13: 2625-2632.